Each Bible is Made to Order
Below are pics of the step by step process of constructing each handcrafted Bible.
Pictures of the Process
Removing Bible Cover
Cover Removed
Measuring Lambskin Liner
Measuring The Leather Cover
Cover and Lining are both cut to size
“Skivving” or thinning out the corners to make it easier to pleat the corners later.
Rounding the corners of the lamb skin liner
Gluing the liner to the leather cover
Pressing down the liner with the roller. Thanks to my wife for my handy turtle paperweight from Trovo Co.…I also store my sewing needles inside!
Trimming the edges of the leather cover to size
Gluing down and folding over the leather to the edges of the liner
All Edges glued down
Pleating the corners (this part takes patience and time to get it right)
Pleated corner. I’m happy how this one turned out.
Etching in the straight line for the holes for stitching the edges of the cover
Using leather awls to make the holes for stitching
Holes punched! Looks good. Good corners…I’ve messed those up before.
Thread measured, needles attached and ready to hand stitch the cover…this will take me a couple hours.